The e-reader market has experienced quick growth over the past couple of years, but even today, only a couple of standouts are well-known. Amazon's Kindle is easily the most well-recognized e-reader out there, with most every other one riding shotgun at best. But what the influx of lower-end, lesser-known e-readers has done is drive down prices overall, and for those who don't really care about branding or access to Amazon's specific e-book store, that's great news.

Also, the impending boom in Tablet PCs has left the e-reader market in an interesting position. E-readers still hold the lead in terms of readability and battery life, but overall functionality goes to the Tablet. It's clear that e-readers are becoming more and more a niche device, and while you may not be concerned about them at $200+, the introduction of the "bargain" e-reader may make you think twice. Read the full Article.